Can I walk on your ceiling with all the lil' spiders ? I promise to be rilly quiet ! I luv the shine on the carapaces on your cockroaches, very real lookin'...hey wait ! The one on the left just twitched ! :-)
EEck, guess this daring problem is world wide! Are they the little ones that nest inside in millions, or the big ones that fly inside for a nightly visit? Your roaches are extra juicy looking!
Iyiyi! Nicely interpreted. You left a message on my blog last week, and sorry I'm slow getting back. Yes I do live in South(west) City! I love the garden too. Nice to see your blog and know you are a River City residence. I'm selling my house but staying on the South Side. Paige
It's daring to draw cockroaches! I like drawing bugs mostly, but yeech! Great idea though!
Can I walk on your ceiling with all the lil' spiders ? I promise to be rilly quiet ! I luv the shine on the carapaces on your cockroaches, very real lookin'...hey wait ! The one on the left just twitched !
Nice illustration! The shine and highlights youve done are amazing!
Never thought I'd say this about cockroaches but I love it! Very cool illo. :)
EEck, guess this daring problem is world wide! Are they the little ones that nest inside in millions, or the big ones that fly inside for a nightly visit? Your roaches are extra juicy looking!
Ha ha... love the idea!
Iyiyi! Nicely interpreted. You left a message on my blog last week, and sorry I'm slow getting back. Yes I do live in South(west) City! I love the garden too. Nice to see your blog and know you are a River City residence. I'm selling my house but staying on the South Side. Paige is really daring! good idea...have a great week!
I love the shading. Yummy little caramel roaches! (Or perhaps they just wanted to play chess?)
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